
Here you can find travel recommendations from the local organising team

How to reach Warsaw?

By airplane

There are two airports located near Warsaw:

Warsaw Chopin Airport
(ul. Żwirki i Wigury, 00-001 Warsaw). This is the closest and the recommended airport to reach the conference venue. You can reach it from the airport by taking a bus (175 or 188, approximately 18 min. trip). f you decide to take a taxi, it is advised to use the licensed taxi services offered at Chopin Airport: Ele Taxi, Sawa Taxi or Super Taxi. There also is an official Uber pick-up point at the airport.

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Warsaw Modlin Airport
(ul. Generała Wiktora Thommée 1a, 05-102 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki). To reach Warsaw from Modlin please consider a bus or a train. It is a smaller airport servicing only budget airlines that is situated in Modlin, 35 km from Warsaw. The easiest way to get from this airport to Warsaw is to take a bus – Modlin Bus which operates 24 hours a day. The trip takes around 50 minutes. Coming to Warsaw from Modlin by taxi will be expensive and is not worth it, as it will take just as long.

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By train

The nearest railway station is Warszawa Zachodnia (Warsaw West Railway Station). However, due to ongoing contruction works on the station, we recommend to arrive at Warszawa Centralna (Warsaw Central Railing Station).
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Visa information

Citizens from some countries may require a Visa to come to Poland. The detailed information concerning visa requirements are available at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland website:

If you require an official Letter of Invitation, please contact us by emailing us at

It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to take care of his/her visa requirements. Attendees who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Attendees should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications.

The letter of invitation does not financially obligate the conference organizers in any way, nor does it guarantee an entry visa to Poland. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference are the sole responsibility of the delegate.

The conference organizers will not directly contact the embassies and consulates on behalf of all of the delegates.

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