is currently open
The abstract submission system was opened on 10 January 2025*.
The last day to submit your abstract to be considered for oral presentation is 10 April 2025*.
We plan to inform you about the results of the evaluation by the end of April 2025*.
In May 2025 we will open the call for abstracts again, however abstracts submitted in the second round will be considered only for poster presentations.
The last day to submit your abstract to be considered for poster presentation is 10 June 2025*.
Abstracts submitted after 10 June 2025* will not be evaluated.
*Kindly note that the deadlines are defined with respect to Warsaw local time. Click here to check the local time and date in Warsaw.
Every abstract submitted for review and publication on the conference webpage must follow the official Workshop template and guidelines provided therein. Please click here to access the template on Overleaf.
Abstracts templates files:
The University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre